Tuesday, May 11, 2010


In Book X of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, there is a quote I particularly like.

“So if it is true that intelligence is divine in comparison with man, then a life guided by intelligence is divine in comparison with human life. We must not follow those who advise us to have human thoughts, since we are only men, and mortal thoughts, as mortals should; on the contrary, we should try to become immortal as far as that is possible and do our utmost to live in accordance with what is highest in us. For though this is a small portion of our nature, it far surpasses everything else in power and in value.”

Aristotle was quite progressive to see that human beings have the capability to be like the divine. I like to think that since we were created in the image of God, that this is our purpose. That small part of us which is potent enough to live in accordance with what is best in us is too often forgotten it seems. Sure, we cannot be perfect, but striving towards perfection or excellence is a very good thing. A life guided by intelligence allows us to learn more from the world, since learning is an activity which promotes understanding and compassion, we should seek to learn all that we can. We should seek greatness not for the sake of honor or earthly renown, but rather for its ability to lead us towards happiness. Happiness in part results from fulfillment, and how can we be fulfilled if we do not attempt at least to exercise our capacities? Fulfillment comes from the effort and from trying, since we know that we are not divine and cannot be so, the journey we take in our attempt to be the best we can is where we gain our fulfillment. While watching the Matrix 2 and 3 I began to think more about purpose. The movies do well to show that Neo has a purpose beyond what is human, and he fulfills his purpose. He seeks to surpass his own human limitations and to reach towards what is his utmost best. While it is science-fiction, it is nonetheless a good demonstration.

1 comment:

  1. I have been toiling with my own interpretations of purpose. Perhaps I have been influenced too much by the silver screen and countless comic books, but what purpose do we have as humans? Sure we take professions but are they truly our purpose or more of an ends to a means. Is there one true purpose for all of us, there must be. It is absurd to believe intellectual being such as ourselves are only limited to a profession, a salary, and everything in between.
